We all have people we need to stay in contact with. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do — you need a network of people you can rely on. The downside to this is you can quickly be overwhelmed by the sheer number of contacts you end up with. Not only do you have your family and friends, but there are also coworkers and business contacts you need to refer to daily. Let’s not forget about the other important contacts in your life either, like your favorite pizza place, the dog groomer that magically gets your pup to stand still, and the dry cleaner that can remove stains from anything! These all add up to a massive contact database that needs a little extra help to whip into shape.
If you’ve taken the time to add your contacts to Cardhop, then I’ve got great news for you: the hard part of managing your contacts is already done!
Now you can relax and let the app help you organize everything by using Cardhop’s Smart Groups!
Before you stop reading because you’ve already tried using regular groups for your contacts and they didn’t help, just hear me out. 😉 These aren’t your regular contact groups we’re dealing with. We call them “Smart Groups” for a reason.
What makes these groups so smart?
Cardhop’s Smart Groups filters your entire contacts database and groups the contacts together that fit the rules you specify for each group.
In Cardhop for iOS, we offer a set of preconfigured Smart Groups that you can pick from. This includes options such as finding all of your contacts that are companies (so you can easily make an appointment for your pup’s summer haircut), finding contacts that have been recently modified in the last two weeks (because you just realized you changed the phone number on the wrong contact but can’t remember where you made the change), and finding empty contacts (so you can clean out some of the contacts that don’t help you at all). We have a handy selection of choices that can help you quickly identify specific contacts and group them together for future reference.

With Cardhop on the Mac, we take this even further. Not only do you have the same preconfigured Smart Groups that are available on iOS, you also have the ability to make your own Smart Groups. With multiple options to pick from and the ability to add several rules to each group, sorting your contacts will be a breeze!
Plus, if you are using Cardhop on both macOS and iOS, any smart group you create in Cardhop on the Mac syncs directly with Cardhop on iOS when both devices are signed into the same iCloud account. This lets you access your Smart Groups no matter where you are!
Saving your relationships, one birthday at a time
We’ve talked about the importance of birthdays before, and how Cardhop and Fantastical can help you remember those. However, this only works if you have added the birthday to your contact. Family get togethers won’t be any fun if you’re the one kid that forgets to wish Mom a Happy Birthday on her special day…
Instead of frantically searching through all your contacts to find any that are missing a birthday, let Cardhop do the work for you. Just select the “Missing Birthday” Smart Group that we’ve already provided, and you immediately get a group containing all of your contacts that don’t have a birthday added.

Take a few seconds to look through the group that was created and add any important birthdays that you might have left off. Mom gets birthday flowers and a card, and you get to be the “favorite” for a bit. Everybody wins!
Keeping your team up to date on the latest project
Using Cardhop’s email function is a great way to notify your entire team of last-minute updates to the big project you are presenting to the company next week. Unless you forget to add Bob to the email group and he’s in charge of the budget numbers for your team…
Bob doesn’t get the email to update the numbers on his slides, and no one realizes it until he announces the wrong budget amount for your department… in the middle of the presentation. Now someone has to explain why your team will need more money and Bob is embarrassed! But it could have been prevented with a Cardhop Smart Group. 🙂
Create a new Smart Group in Cardhop on the Mac and set it to search for contacts from your company and department.

This gives you a group that includes all the members of your team that you can email directly from Cardhop. Everyone gets the updated information for their slides, the presentation is a success, and your team gets to purchase the equipment you need.

Best of all, the Smart Group will update automatically with any new contacts that meet its criteria. So anytime a new contact is added to Cardhop with your company and department listed, it will show up in the Smart Group you just created.
Catching up with friends, the Smart Group way
The conference you are attending for work just happens to be in the city where you attended college, and a dinner catching up with old friends sounds like a great way to get some important relaxation while you’re there. You know several of your college friends still live in the area and want to make sure you don’t leave anyone out when you start planning your meet up. So instead of scrolling through your contacts and messaging everyone individually, let Cardhop do the work for you.
Book your flight, pack your bags, and use Cardhop for Mac to create a Smart Group of friends that live in the city where you are heading. Your group will sync directly to Cardhop on your iPhone, giving you easy access on the go.

Now you can message the whole group at any time with just a simple command in Cardhop making planning a breeze.

Learn more
Don’t forget, Cardhop is included in your Flexibits Premium Subscription so if you aren’t using it yet, download it and give it a try! You’ll have access to Smart Groups and all the other great features that help take the stress out of managing your contacts.
Check out our tutorial videos to get started and let Cardhop make your life a little easier.
Thanks for reading, and stay tuned for future tips and tricks!