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Fantastical for Mac Beta

Welcome to Fantastical for Mac betas! You may have been sent here if you're experiencing a problem with Fantastical, or if you're interested in trying out the latest and greatest version of Fantastical.

Get the beta

You will automatically be notified when new versions are available.

Always updating to the latest beta

Want to always be using the latest beta version? Do the following to ensure that Fantastical always updates to the latest beta version. This works even if you're using a release version:

Switching back to the release version

If you got Fantastical from our website you can download the current release version of Fantastical from here. Replace the beta version of Fantastical with the release version.

If you downloaded Fantastical from the Mac App Store you can switch back to it by doing the following:

Have questions and problems?

Please contact us with a report. If you experience a crash, please submit a crash report and include your name and email so we can contact you if we have any questions. If you don't tell us that something isn't working, we can't fix it!