Cardhop FAQ
I previously purchased the older version of Cardhop. What happens to the features I paid for?
All of your features from the previous version of Cardhop are automatically available and do not require a Flexibits Premium subscription. This only applies to existing Cardhop customers.
Mac Users: In order for Cardhop to activate your prior purchase you need to download Cardhop from the same location you originally purchased it from (either directly from our website or the Mac App Store). Otherwise Cardhop will not be able to unlock the features you are entitled to.
If you purchased Cardhop for Mac directly from our website (you have a license code) then you need to download Cardhop directly from our website.
If you are using the version from our website, you can enter your Cardhop license by clicking 'Cardhop' in the Menu bar > Enter License. This will not work with the Mac App Store version.
If you originally purchased Cardhop for Mac on the Mac App Store then download the new version of Cardhop on the Mac App Store too. Make sure you're signed in to the same Apple ID you used to make your previous purchase of Cardhop. Cardhop will automatically detect your previous purchase from the Mac App Store and make the existing features available.
Does Flexibits collect any personal data about my contacts?
Cardhop does not collect or transmit any personal data. See our privacy page for more information.
Where can I choose which apps to complete actions in?
Go to Cardhop's Settings > Actions to select which browser, mail, map and Twitter app to complete actions in. Most popular apps are supported by Cardhop.
Can I perform actions on an entire group?
Yes, this is possible with a few actions, such as Mail, Message and Invite. Type Mail /groupname subject
into Cardhop's search bar and complete the action in your default mail app. For example, Mail /London Drinks tonight?
will open your mail app and create an email to all the contacts in the group called 'London' with the title 'Drinks tonight?' in the subject line.
How do I dial numbers from Cardhop?
Just type 'Call' (or tap the phone button above the keyboard) followed by the number you wish to call. You'll then be prompted to complete the call in the iOS Phone app.
Can I check my voicemail from Cardhop?
Yes, either dial your voicemail number directly in Cardhop, or add your voicemail number to Cardhop as a contact.
Which line will Cardhop use to dial contacts (for Dual SIM iPhones)?
Cardhop will default to the most recently used line to dial contacts. Due to iOS restrictions, Cardhop is unable to allow users to choose which line to dial from. However, you can set a specific line override for a contact in the Phone or Contacts apps. Then your iPhone will always use that line when calling the contact, even if you dial the contact from Cardhop.
Can I sync my groups in Cardhop with my labels on Google Contacts?
Google Contacts labels do not sync with groups on macOS or iOS. This is a limitation in Google's CardDAV support. However, groups you create on your Google account in Cardhop will sync between all of your Mac and iOS devices.
Why are my Exchange groups listed as separate accounts?
In contrast to other contact services, Exchange only allows a contact to be in one group at a time. Cardhop on iOS shows this by making each Exchange group appear as a separate account rather than a group.
Do you offer education or military discounts?
Yes, we do offer an educational or military discount!
Looking for an education or military discount for Flexibits Premium? Please contact us here and include proof of your educational institution, student status, or military service (such as a copy of your ID).
Why are my accounts named 'Untitled Account'?
iOS does not share account names with apps, so Cardhop is unable to automatically show you the name of your account from the iOS Settings app. However, you can rename your accounts in Cardhop.
- Go to the settings tab in Cardhop
- Tap Default Account
- Tap Edit
- Tap the blue i and give your account a new name
Once you have named your accounts you will see these account names used throughout Cardhop.
Why is my Google Workspace account displaying an authorization error when I try to connect my account?
You may see an authorization error when trying to add a Google Workspace account to Cardhop. This is due to a change Google made to how third-party apps connect to your Google Workspace account (on November 4, 2019).
You need to choose to trust Cardhop as a whitelisted app in your Google Workspace admin panel. To do this, open your Google Workspace admin panel and select Security > API Permissions > Contacts. Select Cardhop for iOS and click the three-dot icon on the right and choose Trust. You can also refer to Google's help pages for more info.
If your Google Workspace admin needs Cardhop's OAuth client ID to add it as a trusted app, the client ID is 1079610348788-q18166it5pat91hctlk7ti0qkatu98km.apps.googleusercontent.com
Cardhop uses the Google Workspace Admin API to search for other users in your organization's contact directory. Cardhop only has read-only access to this information, it is unable to make any changes to the organization settings. Directory information is only available through the Google Workspace Admin API, so without this access Cardhop is unable to lookup contacts stored in your organization's directory.
Where can I get information about the open source code that Cardhop uses?
Please see our acknowledgements page.