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Webex Integration

Webex Integration in Fantastical for iOS and iPadOS

Fantastical integrates with Webex, allowing you to add Webex meetings directly to events using Fantastical.

Adding your Webex account

Add your Webex account by opening Fantastical's Settings, clicking Accounts, clicking the plus button, then selecting Webex. Sign in to your Webex account and it will appear in Fantastical's list of accounts.

Attaching Webex meetings to events

You can create a Webex event for any event or invitation. Click on the show details button when creating or editing an event and check the Webex Meeting checkbox. The Webex meeting info will automatically be added to the event's notes.

Need to remove a Webex meeting that you already created? Uncheck the Webex Meeting checkbox and close the event to save the changes.

Removing your Webex account

Remove your Webex account from Fantastical's Settings > Accounts. Once you remove your Webex account, Fantastical will no longer have access to it. Personal data about your events is not kept on Flexibits servers.

Automatically adding Webex URLs to event locations

Want to have the Webex meeting URL automatically added to the location of your events? Go to Fantastical's Settings > Accounts, select your Webex account, then enable "Add meeting URL to location."

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